Princess Amalie von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha -Franz Xavier Winterhalter Oil Painting by DAFEN & DECO
High Quality 100% Hand-Painted Oil Painting on Canvas
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Original Artist : Franz Xavier Winterhalter;
Subject : Children;
Style : Academic-Classicism;
Medium : 100% Hand-painted on Canvas;
100% hand-painted oil painting reproduction on canvas of Franz Xavier Winterhalter's painting, Princess Amalie von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha. It has been perfectly recreated brushstroke by brushstroke by our talented artist. We not only reproduce every detail of the original painting, but to capture its soul.
Franz Xaver Winterhalter (20 April 1805 – 8 July 1873) was a German painter and lithographer, known for his portraits of royalty in the mid-nineteenth century. His name has become associated with fashionable court portraiture. Among his best known works are Empress Eugénie Surrounded by her Ladies in Waiting (1855) and the portraits he made of Empress Elisabeth of Austria (1865).Winterhalter came into his own as a portrait painter during the second Empire and he painted his best work during the last two decades of his life. He matched his style to the luxury and relaxed atmosphere of the age, its hedonism and gaiety. His female sitters of the 1850s and 1860s inhabit a different physiological climate from those he painted earlier; they are not reticent and reserved. His male sitters inspired few original or memorable compositions.Winterhalter never received high praise for his work from serious critics, being constantly accused of superficiality and affectation in pursue of popularity. However, he was highly appreciated by his aristocratic patrons. The royal families of England, France, Spain, Russia, Portugal, Mexico and Belgium all commissioned him to paint portraits. His monumental canvases established a substantial popular reputation, and lithographic copies of the portraits helped to spread his fame.Winterhalter's portraits were prized for their subtle intimacy; the nature of his appeal is not difficult to explain. He created the image his sitters wished or needed to project to their subjects. He was not only skilled at posing his sitters to create almost theatrical compositions, but also was a virtuoso in the art of conveying the texture of fabrics, furs and jewellery, to which he paid no less attention than to the face. He painted very rapidly and very fluently, designing most of his compositions directly in the canvas. His portraits are elegant, refined, life-like, and pleasantly idealized.Concerning Winterhalter’s method of working, it is thought that, practised as he was at drawing and representing figures, he painted directly onto the canvas without making preliminary studies. He frequently decided upon the dress and pose of the sitter. His style was suave, cosmopolitan and plausible. Many of the portraits were copied in his workshop or reproduced as lithographs.As an artist he remained a difficult figure to place, there are few painters with whom to compare him and he does not fit into any school. His early affinities were Neoclassical but his style can be described as Neo-Rococo. After his death, his painting fell out of favor being considered romantic, glossy, and superficial. Little was known about him personally and his art was not taken seriously until recently. However, a major exhibition of his work at the National Portrait Gallery (United Kingdom) in London and the Petit Palais in Paris in 1987 brought him into the limelight again. His paintings are exhibited today in leading European and American museums.
Decorate your home or office with our 100% hand painted art painting of Abstract in Contemporary style. Why settle for a print, poster, giclee or canvas transfer when you can decorate your walls with this genuine oil painting on canvas at up to 75% below gallery prices. Painted by experienced artists brushstroke-by-brushstroke with attention to all details. Order it today direct from Dafen Oil Painting Village, this piece is absolutely stunning and would give great ambiance anywhere it is hung. The digital picture of this painting doesn't do it justice. The original work has richer color and higher gloss with a natural tone. |
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